Over the last few decades there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of epic romantic films released. It’s time to take a trip down memory lane in the Romantic Movies Quiz: The Great Challenge and remind yourself of some of these treasures.
In the quiz we’ve got questions about every film from An Affair to Remember to The Vow. So, there’s no point waiting, take the Romantic Movies Quiz: The Great Challenge to see how well you can do. You may even get some inspiration for your next movie night. Once you have completed the quiz and have the results, be sure to share them with your friends and family online. They may even want to play along themselves to try and beat your score.
Question of
Who starred in the 1944 romantic film “To Have and Have Not”?
Humphrey Bogart
Cary Grant
Jimmy Stewart
Gregory Peck
Question of
Who starred in the romantic movie “An Affair to Remember”?
Cary Grant
John Wayne
Spencer Tracy
Clark Gable
Question of
Who starred with Orlando Bloom in “Elizabethtown”?
Kirsten Dunst
Kelly Clarkson
Mandy Moore
Katherine Heigl
Question of
Who starred with Rachel McAdams in the movie “The Vow”?
Channing Tatum
Robert Patrick
Taylor Lautner
Matthew McConaughey
Question of
Who tells Scarlett O’Hara “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” in “Gone with the Wind”?
Rhett Butler
Sam Spade
Rick Blaine
Tony Beymer
Question of
Who was the role of Lucy originally for in the movie “While You Were Sleeping”?
Demi Moore
Julia Roberts
Meg Ryan
Julianne Moore
Question of
Who was the role of Princess Ann originally written for in the movie “Roman Holiday”?
Elizabeth Taylor
Audrey Hepburn
Rita Hayworth
Bette Davis
Question of
Who went on a Roman holiday in “Roman Holiday”?
Audrey Hepburn
Katherine Hepburn
Jessica Tandy
Natalie Wood
Question of
Who wrote the novel that is the basis for the 1954 movie “From Here to Eternity”?
James Jones
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
Saul Bellow
Question of
Who’s mother says the line “I’ll have what she’s having” in the diner scene in “When Harry Met Sally…”?
Rob Reiner
Meg Ryan
Bill Crystal
Albert Brooks