I Just Called to Say I Love You’ from 1984 was taken from the soundtrack of which film? If you know the answer to this question then you should definitely have a go at our Greatest Film Soundtracks Trivia and see how we’ll you match-up in the quiz!
If you consider yourself a bit of a film and music buff then the Greatest Film Soundtracks Trivia should put your skills to the test. Across 8 rounds of questions you’ll need to not only know your fair share of cult classic films, but you’ll also have to have a good grasp of the soundtracks and songs which featured in these infamous box-office hits.
If you want to aim for a perfect 8/8 score in the Greatest Film Soundtracks Trivia then start now and remember to share your results when you’re done!
Question of
Boom Boom Booty is a song in which Will Smith film?
Independence Day
I Robot
Men in Black
Question of
Bryan Tyler wrote the music for which 2013 blockbuster?
Iron Man 3
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 1
Iron Man 5
Question of
Can’t Fight the Moonlight’ was sung by who in Coyote Ugly?
Leann Rimes
Carrie Underwood
Taylor Swift
Shania Twain
Question of
Cher’s ‘Baby I’m Yours’ featured on the soundtrack of which of her films?
Question of
Early in their career Destiny’s Child recorded the song ‘Killing Time’ for which film soundtrack?
Men In Black
Independence Day
The Matrix
Mars Attacks
Question of
Ellie Goulding’s ‘Beating Heart’ is in which 2014 film?
22 Jump Street
Question of
Eminem won an Oscar and 2 Grammies for which song from ‘8 Mile’?
Lose Yourself
Love Me
8 Mile
Adrenaline Rush
Question of
Evanescence’s ‘Bring Me To Life’ featured in which film?
Flash Gordon
Green Lantern