Welcome to the Dinosaur Trivia Quiz.
Dinosaurs lasted for nearly 200 million years and then became extinct very suddenly. We do not know exactly what killed off the great dinosaurs but almost certainly it was a sudden. Scientists believe it was a catastrophic change in the earth’s climate. This occurred towards the end of the Cretaceous Period about 65 million years ago.
Whether you are a dinosaur fanatic or you’re simply looking to learn a few new facts, the Great Dinosaur Trivia Quiz is perfect for you. Find out if you have what it take to answer all 10 questions correctly by taking the quiz now.
Play the quiz today.
Are you a dinosaur trivia enthusiast? Are you simply looking to expand your knowledge of the topic, or try and improve your general knowledge of dinosaurs? Well look no further than our quiz. Play our quiz today and find out how much you know about dinosaurs!
If you love dinosaurs and want to know more about them, then the Great Dinosaur Trivia Quiz is for you! Take this fun test to see if you are a true dinosaur expert! The information on this quiz may be changed at any time so play the quiz your first time for an accurate result.
The Great Dinosaur Trivia Quiz is perfect for all dinosaur fans and curious minds who love learning new facts. Take the quiz today, you might be surprised by how little you already know about dinosaurs!
Do you know your Velociraptor from your T-rex? Can you name the largest dinosaur? With this fun and interactive quiz you can take a test to see if you know your dinosaurs.
Whether you’re a professional dinosaur-ologist or a first time dino-phile, everyone loves a little dinosaur trivia!
Question of
During the Triassic period, the continents were joined together in one giant landmass called what?
Question of
Which dinosaur was the longest land animal to have ever lived?
Question of
Where have dinosaur remains not been found?
None of the above
Question of
Which of the following appeared first
Flowering plants
Question of
Which of the following is not a dinosaur?
Question of
Which dinosaur’s name means “roofed reptile”?
Question of
How long ago did dinosaurs become extinct?
65 million years ago
400 thousand years ago
200 million years ago
1 million years ago
Question of
How did dinosaurs reproduce?
They laid eggs
They gave birth to live babies
Two dinosaurs merged and became a new dinosaur
They split in two like cells
Question of
How big was Tyrannosaurus Rex’s longest tooth?
About the size of a human hand
The same size as human teeth
The size of a mini-van
As long as an elephant tusk
Question of
Who discovered the first dinosaur?
Mary Anne Mantell
John Henry Fossill
Christopher Columbus
Catherine the Great